Paper Submission
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Industrial Workshops


IW1: IoT applications – value creation for industry

Chair, Organizer

    Dr. Ing. N. L. Fantana, SM IEEE, ABB CRC

    Dr. Till Riedel, KIT


 Speakers and Contributors

Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan, P. Fries, S. Lange, Stephen Miles, Prof Dr. Lin Zhang, YU Xiaoxiao, Dr. Till Riedel, Dr. Florian Michahelles, J. Hupp, Prof. Dr. Pflaum Alexander, Dr. St. Svensson, Dr. St. Ferber, Dr. Niko Hossain, Dr. Jochen Schlick, Dr. Wei CR Sun, Dr.Ing. N.L.Fantana


IoT is a wide and rapidly developing area. Numerous IoT research and application projects have been done by universities, or in joint industry-university consortia in recent years. However an important question is on value creation for industry.

IoT applications in the sense of this industry workshop are solutions using IoT technologies to improve industrial manufacturing processes, enable new and efficient ways to do operate production plants, create new service or supervision means for industrial installations, offer an optimized infrastructure, reduce operational cost or improve human safety in industrial areas. From an industry point of view value creation form IoT applications and sustainability are essential. How these problems will be addressed and solved will influence the use of IoT technologies in the industry, on a larger scale, in the coming years.

The workshops intents to bring together experts from around the world to discuss and stimulate ideas, share experience on IoT applications and value creation for industry and to address and highlight with priority two major topics:

1. IoT in industry: experience, trends, challenges

2. IoT creating value in industrial applications

The workshop is intended to contribute to a IoT supported paradigm change in manufacturing, industrial service and over life sustainable industrial activities.

Room No.9         OCT.24  Wednesday              8:30-17:15

8:30-8:40             Welcome, Agenda, Goals             Dr.Ing. N. L. Fantana, ABB CRC


IW1-1:IoT applications - creating value for industry. Overview, Challenges, Potential

Dr.Ing. N.L.Fantana, ABB Corporate Research, Germany

IW1-2:Introduction to EU IoT activities and perspectives on industrial opportunities

Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan, P. Fries, S. Lange, EU Commission, EU IoT Research Cluster, SINTEF, VDIVDE, Norway, Switzerland, Germany

IW1-3:Big Data Flows - A Layered Model for Supply Chain Communications

Stephen Miles, MIT, Auto-ID Labs, U.S.A

IW1-4:Towards Computational-sensing through large-number of networked sensors

Prof. Dr. Lin Zhang, Xiaoxiao Yu, Tsinghua University, China

IW1-5:Cyber Physical Systems: The Role of the Internet of Things in Industry 4.0

Dr. Till Riedel, KIT, TECO, Germany


10:00-10:30         Break


IW1-6:What your shopping basket can tell you – the value of Internet of Things for retailing

Dr. Florian Michahelles, ETH Zürich, Auto-ID Labs, Switzerland

IW1-7:Additional value for smart objects by the use of Smart Applications

J. Hupp, Fraunhofer IIS, Germany

IW1-8:IoT-based Information Services - A Service Engineering Approach

Prof. Dr. Pflaum Alexander, Univ Bamberg, Fraunhofer ATL, Germany

IW1-9:IoT for O&G industry

Dr. St. Svensson, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden

IW1-10:Technologies inspiring a connected life: The Internet of Things & Services

Dr. St. Ferber, Bosch SI, Germany

12:00-13:15         Lunch


IW1-11:The significance of fostering IoT technologies in the logistics industry to guarantee future European market leadership

Dr. Niko Hossain, Lufthansa Cargo, Research Tech Innovation, Germany

IW1-12:SmartFactoryKL - Introducing the IoT to Factory Automation - Achievements and Challenges

Dr. Jochen Schlick, DFKI, Germany

IW1-13:IOT Infrastructure and Applications

Dr. Wei Sun, IBM Research Shanghai Lab, China

14:00-14:40         Discussion, survey, outlook, next.            All

14:40-14:45         Conclude workshop.                     Dr.Ing. N. L. Fantana, ABB CRC

14:45-17:15         IoT Lab Visit

IW2: IoT technologies and applications for Chemical and Oil/gas Industry


L. Julia Zhu, Ph. D, CEO, DigitNexus Inc. (former Co-chair for EPC Active RFID JRG)

Planed Speakers

Craig Castro, Global leader, RFID GPS Auto-ID Telemetry Expertise Center, The Dow Chemical company

Ian Robertson, CEO, S-C-R-C, (Former director of Industry Initiatives, EPC Global)


Purpose: The purpose of the workshop is to learn from the global leaders of the Chemical, Oil and Gas industries, on how IOT technologies been used in their respective companies, and what benefits they have reaped, what lessons we can learn from their experiences.

Description: IoT technologies have been spreading into different aspects of our life. Different industries have been taken different approaches to reap the benefits of the technologies. Because of the complexities and inherent safety requirements, chemical and oil and Gas industry have been the front-runner of adopting the RFID and other IoT technologies. Companies such as BP, Dow chemicals have been using the technologies over the past 5-6 years. They have had their shares of lessons learned, but overall, they are now seeing the how the technologies helped their businesses and expanding into more of their business domains. The oil and gas companies in China and Asia are also starting to put serious efforts in leveraging the IoT technologies. This workshop will be the forum for the global leaders to share with each other and the audience all their experiences (including what technologies work and what not) and future plans.

Room No.3         OCT.24  Wednesday              8:30-11:30


IW2-1:Oil and Gas– What is Different from “Normal” Applications

       Ian Presentation

IW2-2:Using Auto-ID Technologies to Enable the “Internet of Things”

       Craig Presentation

10:00-10:15         Break


IW2-3:IOT technologies and applications for Chemical and Oil/gas Industry

       Pannel Discussion

11:00-11:30         Attendees questions                    Q & A


Ian Robertson, CEO & President, Supply Chain RFID Consulting LLC (SCRC) (a member company of JPL RFID Holdings LLC).

Ian Robertson, MBCS, CITP, Cert Mgmt, BSc (Hons) was GS1’s Director for Transportation & Other Industry Sectors and Director for the Asia Pacific region. He has a long multifaceted background covering IT, Supply Chain, RFID, global standards and international large scale program management, and was formerly HP’s Worldwide Program Director of RFID, having spent 22 years in the HP, Compaq and DEC components of HP. He originates from the UK, but left 23 years ago to gain international experience from living and working in France, Switzerland, Holland, Germany and the U.S.A, and specializes in taking on complex start up situations where the rules have yet to be written and in troubleshooting Supply Chains. He has written various papers on change management within large corporations and consulted for many companies in this respect.

In November 2005 he took up the roles of Global Industry Development Director and of Asia Pacific Regional Director for EPCglobal. In his Asia Pacific role he has consulted on RFID applications and regulations for many governments and major industries. He worked closely with the Apparel, Aerospace & Defense, Automotive and Consumer Electronics industries to form their industry groups within EPCglobal. His collaboration with China contributed to the development and publication of China’s UHF RFID regulations. From April 2009 he was responsible for Transportation and Other Sectors for GS1 Global Office.

Today he is the founder and CEO of Supply Chain RFID Consulting LLC, Senior Vice President of Technology for JPL Global Logistics Solutions and CTO/CIO of JPL RFID. His authoritative work Improving Supply Chains Using RFID & Standards was published in July 2011. He is also a graduate of the International Advanced Management Program at INSEAD France, of the UK Open University and a Charter Member of The British Computer Society.

J. Craig Casto, the Dow Chemical Company, Global Leader

Craig Casto is the Global Leader for Dow Chemical’s RFID • GPS • AutoID Expertise Center. This Expertise Center has ownership of all of Dow’s Auto ID applications implemented throughout the world and is responsible for establishing corporate direction and standards in these areas. Auto ID includes Bar Codes, RFID, and GPS.

Craig is also a founding member of Dow’s RFID/GPS Steering Team. Formed in 2005, this team developed a strategy for deploying RFID and GPS technology within Dow and to provide guiding direction to RFID/GPS standards as developed by the Expertise Center.

Craig brings more than 30 years of logistics, production planning and Auto ID experience to this position having held various positions in Marine Transportation, Inventory and Production Management and Supply Chain Technology leadership. Craig has held his current role as Auto ID Technology leader since 2001.

Craig holds a Bachelors and MBA degree from Marshall University. He and his wife reside in South Charleston, West Virginia.

Some of the Auto ID projects that have emerged under the Craig’s leadership include:

•Container Tracking Most Effective Technology Approach for Dow shipments including:

•Construction Laydown Yard tracking of parts for new plant builds (fabricated steel, pipe spools, valves, etc) using Bar Codes, RFID and GPS

• Emergency Response support for remote field workers using GPS

• Isotank and Chassis Asset Utilization using GPS

• Tool Room Tracking using bar codes

• Package delivery confirmation using bar codes

• Field Data Collection for on-site Railcars using RFID

• Warehouse Management Solution using bar codes

• Anti-counterfeiting and Brand Protection

L. Julia Zh, Ph.D, has been a high technology executive with 10+ years of comprehensive strategic business experience in wireless technologies, communication systems, and software development. Dr. Zhu has been a successful business leader with broad talents and experiences in varied technologies and high-performance team building, in designing and delivering leading edge solutions for prominent enterprise customers. She has been an effective executive with proven ability driving key initiatives across different functional and global organizations, with demonstrated success leading new product development and initiatives on wireless communication applications and supply chains.

She spent the past 15 years working at various technical and management roles in various high-tech companies including Cisco and Texas Instrument and Savi Technology/Lockheed Martin. In the past ten years, She focused in the field of RFID and related technology and programs. Besides authoring many technical patents on the active RFID technologies, Dr. Zhu also managed some of the largest RFID commercial programs at the time.

Dr. Zhu was one of the key original EPC Gen2 group members, served as Co-chair for HAG Gen2 WG regulatory SC. She was also the co-chair for the EPC active tagging JRG. She was an active member contributing in third Generation PCS system standards, former member 3GPP2 QoS, TSA and TSG working groups. She worked as the secretariat for several ISO working groups and the editor for several of the ISO standards including ISO 18000-7, ISO 18185 part 4, ISO 18046-7, ISO 18047-7.

Dr. Zhu is currently the CEO of DigitNexus, Inc. She holds a Ph.D degree on wireless communication from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She currently resides in Silicon Valley with her family.

IW3: IPv6 and the Future IoT: International IoT Initiatives


Sébastien Ziegler, Mandat International,IoT6 Coordinator

Prof. Peter Kirstein, European father of the Internet, UCL, UK

Prof. Antonio Skarmeta, IoT6 Project – University of Murcia

Latif Ladid, University of Luxembourg/IPv6 Forum President 


Dr. Vint Cerf, Prof. Peter Kirstein, Prof. Liu Dong, Latif Ladid UL, Prof. Antonio Skarmeta, Yusuke Doi, Alex Gluhak, Sébastien Ziegler, Franck Greco, Prof. Srdjan Krco, Pr. Alessandro Bassi, Ovidiu Vermesan, Franck Le Gall, Prof. Cesar Viho,Prof. Peter Kirstein, Prof. Hiroshi Esaki, Prof. Daeyoung Kim, Kevin Yin, Sam Sun.


Without public IP addresses, the Internet of Things capabilities would be greatly reduced.Most discussions about IoT have been based on the illusionary assumption that the IP address space is an unlimited resource or it’s even taken for granted that IP is like oxygen produced for free by nature. Hopefully, the next generation of Internet Protocol, also known as IPv6 brings a solution. Expanding the IPv4 protocol suite with larger address space and defining new capabilities restoring end to end connectivity, and end to end services, several IETF working groups have worked on many deployment scenarios with transition models to interact with IPv4 infrastructure and services. They have also enhanced a combination of features that were not tightly designed or scalable in IPv4 like IP mobility, ad hoc services; etc catering for the extreme scenario where IP becomes a commodity service enabling lowest cost networking deployment of large scale sensor networks, RFID, IP in the car, to any imaginable scenario where networking adds value to commodity.

With the exception of very few IPv6 experts, none of the previous discussions or research papers talked explicitly about the IPv4 address crunch and its impact on IoT or the open standards needed for its scalability, let alone ever mentioning IPv6 and its advanced IETF developments such as IPv6 adaptation layer over IEEE 802. 15. 4 (including header compression) known as 6LoWPAN or IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks (RPL) as the way forward.

This International workshop wishes to restore some sanity in this area discussing the open and scalable architecture model. When embedding networking capabilities in “things”, there are architectural decisions to be made that guarantees the “Internet of Things” is scalable, inclusive of several communication media, secure, future proof and viable for businesses and end-users. Several models can be discussed, (as reviewed below) but one clearly emerges as the best approach.

Room No.7         OCT.24  Wednesday              9:00-17:30

Provisional program

9:00 Introduction by the Program Committee

9:10 Keynote speakers

Dr. Vint Cerf, Co-Father of the Internet

(Video Key-message)


Prof. Peter Kirstein, European father of the Internet, UCL, UK

IW3-1: The Future of the Internet


Liu Dong, Chair China IPv6 Council

IW3-2: IoT Deployment in China


10:00 IPv6 Enablers and Perspectives for IoT

 Chair: Latif Ladid UL/IPv6 Forum President

IW3-3:IPv6 & IOT around the World


Speaker: Prof. Antonio Skarmeta, IoT6 Project

IW3-4: Security& Privacy in IOT


Speaker: Yusuke Doi, Toshiba Corporate Research

IW3-5: IoT Deployment Challenges


Speaker: Alex Gluhak, Surrey University

IW3-6: The role of Smartphones in an Internet of Things


12:00 Lunch Break

14:00 IPv6 & European projects perspectives



Sébastien Ziegler, Mandat International, IoT6 Coordinator

IW3-7: IoT6 introduction: IoT and IPv6 perspectives


Speaker: Franck Greco, European Commission

IW3-8: European IoT & IPv6 vision


Speaker:Prof. Srdjan Krco, Ericsson and IoT-I Project

IW3-9: IoT-I (IoT European strategy) and IPv6 perspectives


Speaker: Prof. Alessandro Bassi, IoT-A Coordinator

IW3-10: IoT-A (IoT Architecture) and IPv6 perspectives


Speaker: Ovidiu Vermesan Chair IERC (TBC)

IW3-11: IERC (IoT European Cluster) and IPv6 perspectives


Speaker: Franck Le Gall, Inno and BUTLER Project (TBC)

IW3-12: BUTLER (Secure and smart life) and IPv6 perspectives


Speaker: Prof. Cesar Viho, IRISA/Univ. Rennes 1 and Probe-IT project

IW3-13: PROBE-IT and IPv6 perspectives


15:30Coffee Break

16: 00Worldwide IoT Collaboration


Moderator    Prof. Peter Kirstein, European father of the Internet, UCL, UK


Prof. Hiroshi Esaki, University of Tokyo

IW3-14: IoT and Smart University


Prof. Daeyoung Kim, KAIST

IW3-15: IPv6 and EPC Network for IoT


Kevin Yin, Cisco

IW3-16: Key Steps to Develop IoT through IPv6


Sam Sun, CNRI

IW3-17: Handle system and IPv6 perspectives


17:30   End of the workshop

IW4: The Internet of Things to boost efficiency and effectiveness in E-Health, Wellness and Ambient Assisted Living


Professor Dr. Christoph Thuemmler, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom

Thomas Jell, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany 


Professor Dr. Christoph Thuemmler, Dr. Ing. Armin Schneider, Dr. Sebastian Lange, Thomas Jell, Dr. Mojca Volk

Abstract: Health care is moving away from a hospital based, specialist centered approach towards a distributed patient centric model. The number of things and smart devices in the healthcare, wellness and ambient assisted living domain is growing rapidly. “Things” are everywhere, in the operating theatre, in medication packages, in surgical tools and in smart homes. The Internet of Things is about to change the way care is delivered and has the potential to reduce dependencies and inequalities in our populations. What is the current state of play? How are we going to manage the integration of a growing amount of data in a Future and how can we assure interoperability?

Goals of the Workshop

The Workshop will provide an overview of current trends in the Health domain and we will discuss future IoT challenges. We will identify the inter-dependencies of health, wellness, mobility and communication. What will be the future role of the IoT and what will future markets look like? The workshop will also address key elements of social and technological alignment strategies. How to link the Internet of Things and the Internet of People? During the workshop we aim to identify prime areas of global cooperation and collaboration. One direct outcome of the workshop will be a SWOT analysis conducted jointly by all participants leading to a joint statement for potential publication.

Room No.3         OCT.24  Wednesday              15:30-17:00

15.30-15.35         Chair’s Welcome                            Christoph Thuemmler, Hui Li


IW4-1:"Catch the drops, make an ocean!"Innovative IoT solutions for personal wellbeing and e-health

Dr. Mojca Volk, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

IW4-2:IoT In the Operating Theatre

Dr. Ing. Armin Schneider, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Munich, Germany

IW4-3:IoT, Healthcare and Mobility

Thomas Jell, Siemens AG Munich, Germany

IW4-4:A Reference Architecture for the Internet of Things

Dr. Sebastian Lange, VDI/VDE Berlin, Germany

16.40 – 16.55      Group discussion A

User requirements and Solutions for the Healthcare of the Future

Group B

Solutions for Future Healthcare systems

16.55 - 17.00              Conclusions of the Session, Paper draft?


Title: Catch the Drops, Make an Ocean

Speaker: Dr. Mojca Volk, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The vision of having a variety of gadgets and sensors attached to your body while consulting your virtual doctor is no longer a futuristic dream, it is the reality waiting at the door to be let into our lives. After decades of science fiction, the technology is finally here for the consumers – a smart phone with GPS, environment sensors and a camera in every pocket, a variety of Internet-enabled medical and wellbeing sensors and other wearable gadgets at affordable prices, ubiquitous mobile broadband connectivity, and unlimited storage capacities and processing powers capable of recording and sequencing unimaginable quantities of data. The ability to capture large quantities of seemingly unrelated data about our body, habits, behaviors, intake, surrounding environments, communication and social activity and all kinds of other information will give answers to our personal wellbeing and quality of life. This paves the way to radical transformation in healthcare and wellbeing and the grand innovation is yet to take its place – the immense person print databanks and powerful complex event processing and big data algorithms are the key to breaking our code.


Title: IOT Technology in the Operating Theatre

Speaker: Dr. Ing. Armin Schneider, Munich, Germany: RFID tracking in medicine and data logging as well as use of mobile devices in medicine is spreading rapidly.  RFID can help to prevent errors in the operation theatre and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of health care. The research group MITI has been working closely with industry to increase automation and reduce human error.


Title: A reference Architecture for the Internet of Things

Speaker: Dr. Sebastian Lange, Berlin, Germany: IoT-A, the European Lighthouse Integrated Project addressing the Internet-of-Things Architecture, proposes the creation of an architectural reference model together with the definition of an initial set of key building blocks. Together they are envisioned as crucial foundations for fostering a future Internet of Things. Using an experimental paradigm, IoT-A will combine top-down reasoning about architectural principles and design guidelines with simulation and prototyping to explore the technical consequences of architectural design choices.

IW5: Internet of Things for Food Quality and Safety


Professor Junghoon Moon, Seoul National University

Professor Yong He, Zhejiang University

Professor Gang Liu, China Agricultural University

Professor Minghao Huang, Konkuk University 


Junghoon Moon, Associate Professor, Seoul National University

Bo Tao, SEO, Rockontrol Beijing

Jayna Sheats, CTO, Terepac

Pengcheng Nie, Ph. D. Candidate, Zhejiang University

Seok Myeong Hong, CEO, GenoRevo Korea Co.

Florian Michahelles, Auto-ID Lab at ETH Zurich/HSG 

Statement of goals for the workshop

The aim of the workshop is to share and broaden knowledge and experiences of IoT for food and agricultural industry. During the past decade, consumers have expressed concerns about food quality and safety. Consumers pay more attention to the quality and freshness of the food they consume. Compared with other industries, however, maintaining consistent levels of product quality in the food and agriculture industry is known to be difficult due to the extensive reliance on environmental elements (e. g., weather, soils, and water). In this regard, the role of IoT, including sensor network and RFID technology is considered more important in food and agricultural industry. Presently, the utilization of IoT in the food industry is lagging compared to most other industries. Operations (production, processing, storage, distribution, and management) for this industry, are dispersed globally, and hence require increased dependence on IoT. Therefore, the food and agricultural industries need to attempt to increase their adoption of IoT.

This workshop intends to provide an insight into IoT for the food industry and its related business areas, including agriculture, fishery, cold chain, retailing, and so forth. It addresses various aspects of the role of IoT from diverse perspectives from both academia and practitioners.

Room No.6         OCT.24  Wednesday              8:30-12:00

8:30-8:40 Opening


IW5-1: IoT for Food and Agriculture Industry: Quality and Safety Management for Ginseng

    Junghoon Moon

IW5-2: RKCloud: A PaaS Platform for IoT applications

    Bo Tao

IW5-3: The Internet of Things and Sustainable Agriculture

    Jayna Sheats

10:00-10:30 Opening



Title: IoT for Food and Agriculture Industry: Quality and Safety Management for Ginseng

Abstract: Food traceability has been critical issues in many countries, including South Korea. Product traceability information, including production, processing, logistics and distribution, strongly influences consumers’ buying behavior. Consumer’s concerns about food quality and safety can be alleviated though food traceability systems adoption. Korean government launched its first food traceability systems in 2003, expecting to enhance the international competitiveness of Korea’s agricultural products. Since then, the Korean government initiated many new projects for food quality and safety based on RFID and sensor network technology. Ginseng is one of the most important agri-products for both domestic international markets in Korea. In An IoT project for Ginseng was carried out to guarantee the product quality and safety in 2005, but it was not successful. The Korean government investigates difficulties of the systems development, and challenges the same project again. The presentation shows Korean government’s efforts for Food quality and safety using RFID and sensor network, especially focusing on Ginseng.

Junghoon Moon is an Assosicate Professor of Program in Regional Information at Seoul National University in Korea. He received his PhD in Management Science and Systems from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 2006. He previously worked for Department of Management Science, KAIST until 2010. His research interests include marketing management, technology management, and information management for food business. He is an associate director of Auto ID lab. Korea.  At the Americas Conference on Information Systems in 2006, one of his papers was judged the Best Paper of the year. AT the Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences in 2007, one of his papers was nominated as the Best Paper of the year. He has published articles in many journals in the area of business and MIS.


Title: RKCloud: A PaaS Platform for IoT applications

Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss RKCloud, a PaaS platform being developed at Rockontrol for IoT applications. We will discuss its main components and the technical challenges. We will also briefly discuss its application in food quality area.

Dr. Bo Tao received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University and Princeton University, respectively. He spent a dozen years working in Silicon Valley. While in the Valley, he was a senior engineering manager at Google, working on distributed systems and infrastructure. He managed Google Video and Youtube products. After Google, he worked as the CTO of EMC China, during which time he founded EMC Labs China and served as its first managing director. He is currently the General Manager with Rockontrol, working on cloud computing and big data technologies and their application in the IoT field.


Title: The Internet of Things and Sustainable Agriculture

Abstract: Agriculture, the oldest industry in human society, remains vitally important today: besides providing sustenance, it is a major source of employment, and has a huge affect on the environment as a consequence of it use of water, land, energy, fertilizer, and pesticides.  Once produce has left the farm, it is subject to steady degradation of quality and eventually may become unhealthy.  Modern technology provides many ways to minimize these problems and maximize the value of the food, but they all depend for effectiveness on timely and accurate input concerning the state of food and its surroundings (soil, storage conditions, etc.).  Wireless sensors can play a major role in providing this information, but they must be inexpensive, easily deployed, and in some cases small enough to insert into individual food items or even plants without disturbance.  This presentation will present some recent technological progress toward this goal.

Dr. Jayna Sheats is co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Terepac. She received her Ph.D. in physical chemistry at Stanford University, and after post-doctoral work at the Masshachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford, joined Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in 1982 where she worked on chemistry for microelectronics. In 1998, she initiated and supported a program at HP to introduce internet technology in the developing world. In 2002, she left to engage in more entrepreneurial ventures (including co-founding Terepac in 2004), and eventually joined Nanosolar in 2004 as Vice President of Manufacturing Technology and subsequently Associate CTO. In 2008, she joined Terepac as CTO. She is a fellow of the AAAS, and has published 55 journal articles and filed more than 45 patents, with more than 20 presently issued.


Title: Fast Acquisition of Crop Nutrient Sensors and WSN for PA Practice

Abstract: According to the key and bottleneck problems in fast detection of farm and plant information in precision agriculture (PA), we studied the growing status, nutritional detection, disease screening and environmental information based on four aspects of zone, region, field of view and individual objects. We developed a serial of fast detection and radio transmission technologies (RTT) from points to entire surface of plant information detection. We also developed a serial of plant information detection instruments and  network detecting systems with intellectual property rights for key technologies for the fast detection of plant growing information, nutritional information and disease screening.

Pengcheng Nie

Male, the Han Nationality, born in Tongcheng, Hubei, PH. D Candidate. Born in 1982. Specialize in researches on agricultural sensing instruments, Internet of Things, intelligent equipment and so on.


Title: IT-BT Convergence Technology in Agrifood Industry

Abstract: Agrifood industry is the most fundamental and important areas in various industries. Though Agrifood industry has been developed steadily as a traditional BT industry, new materials and new technologies have been developed currently through the convergence of various technologies such as IT and NT. As the advanced industry, agrifood industry is slowly evolving for leading the future society and technology. Convergence of technologies in the field of agrifood is constantly being tried for the purpose of differentiated existing technologies and buinesses, the creation of new businesses, eco-friendly changes in the industry, technology and price competitiveness, and organic combination of related fields such as health, medical, energy and the environment. As representative IT-BT convergence technologies, various screening and diagnostic technologies are being commercialized, and related technologies(Device, USN etc) are being developed fast. Featured examples of the above are real-time pathogen diagnosis and management system using Bio-chip, Nano-bio-barcode and on-site rapid diagnosis smart sensing technology for food and ingredients safety. In addition, Convergence Nano-Technology-based new materials are important sector of agrifood. Through the convergence of technologies, agrifood industry will grow as a future industry.

Seok Myeong Hong is founder and Chief Executive Officer of GenoRevo Korea Co., Ltd. He received his B.A and M.S in agricultural and environmental biology at Seoul National University in Korea, and is currently studying for a Ph.D. in pharmacology at Medical School of Chung-Ang University in Korea. After the masters degree, he joined HYOSUNG Corporation in 1997 where he worked on materials and microbiology for environment. In 2005 he newly joined Gentro Inc. where he worked on materials and process for food, environment, and cosmetics as R&D Director. In 2010 he founded a new company GenoRevo Korea Co., Ltd. specializing in BT convergence technology. He received Korean governmental citation and company awards for developing new technologies. He is a member of technical assessment board in Korean Government(Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Ministry of Environment). He is a fellow of the Korea Society of Food and Agriculture Information Science(KFAIS), and has published 10 journal articles and filed more than 11 patents and Korean new excellent technologies.


Title: Increasing food safety using GS1 standards

Abstract: This talk briefly introduces to the standards and technologies of the GS1 framework. The talk refers to on-going project in traceability of product items and derives alternatives how this could be applied to food safety.

Speaker: Florian Michahelles

At ETH Zurich Florian Michahelles heads the Auto-ID Lab ETH Zurich/HSG and directs research at the forefront of mobile commerce and social media innovations.

Michahelles received a PhD from ETH Zurich and holds a M.Sc in computer science and psychology from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. He was an MIT Sloan Visiting Fellow in 2000. Michahelles has published 80+ papers in international journals and conferences and is the program chair of the Internet of Things Conference (IoT2012) in Wuxi. Since 2011 he has been a co-founder of 42matters AG running

IW6: Security of Internet of Things: Challenges and Countermeasures


Dr. Daniel Engels, Revere Security

Prof. Weili Han, Fudan University 


Daniel Engels, Revere Security, U.S.A.

Feng Bao, Institute for Infocomm ResearchSingapore.

Jiansuo Zhou, CEC Huada Electronic Design Co., Ltd, China.

Yanan Hu, National Engineering Laboratory for Wireless Security, China.

Statement of goals for the workshop

The aim of the workshop is to share and broaden knowledge and experiences of security of IoT. During the past decades, IoT technologies obtained remarkable development, and are penetrating into dairy life of people. Many applications, such as smart city, smart agriculture, are being developed and deployed in many regions.Security, however, as an important issue in other application areas, is also re-defined by both academia and industry of IoT. Researchers of IoT, including scientists in the field of cryptography, system security, and applications, proposed many solutions to protect sensitive resources in IoT. By holding this workshop, we hope to invite active researchers in this field in the world, from both academia and industry, and discuss what the current challenges in the security issue of IoT are, and how we can counter them. 

Room No.4         OCT.24  Wednesday              13:30-17:00

13:30-13:40 Opening


IW6-1:Why You Need to Secure Your Toaster 

Daniel Engels

IW6-2:Security in Smart Grid

Feng Bao

15:00-15:30 Break


IW6-3:Cryptography in RFID and Its Applications in China       ppt download here

Jiansuo Zhou

IW6-4:IoT Security and Related International Contributions

Yanan Hu

16:50-17:00 Discussion

Dr. Daniel W. Engels is a Visiting Fellow at Southern Methodist University, and he is the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID for 2011-2012. Dr. Engels is the former Director of Research of the Auto-ID Labs at MIT and is an original member of the research team started in 1998 that founded theAuto-ID Center at MIT. Dr. Engels is one of the principal architects of the Networked Physical World EPC System, the foundation of the Internet of Things, developed under the Auto-ID Center and licensed to the Uniform Codes Council, now GS1. Dr. Engels received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has over 80 peer reviewed publications in RFID, RFID applications, security, embedded computing, and computer-aided design. Dr. Engels is a member of AIDC 100 and a Senior Member of IEEE.

Dr. Feng Bao received his BS in mathematics, MS in computer science from Peking University inChina and his PhD in computer science from Gunma University in Japan. He joined the Institute ofSystem ScienceSingapore in 1996, and has been a Principal Scientist and the Department Head of the Cryptography & Security Department of the Institute for Infocomm Research since 2005. His research area includes algorithm, automata theory, complexity, cryptography, distributed computing, fault tolerance and information security. He has published more than 200 international journal/conference papers and has 16 patents. 

Dr. Jiansuo Zhou is now working for CEC Huada Electronic Design Co., Ltd. P.R. China with the title of technical director, and has R&D experiences on smart card and RFID ICs. He is now a member of National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee. He got his bachelor, master and Ph.D degree in control engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in China respectively in 1996, 1998 and 2001, and he visited Bern University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland from 2001 to 2002. Dr. Zhou has published 17 papers and has 7 Chinese patents. Currently his interest involves in IC design, verification and validation, and also in cryptography application in smart card and RFID systems. 

Yanan Hu is the Director of Network Security Threat Research Department of National Engineering Laboratory for Wireless Security, and the Vice Secretary-general of Broadband Wireless IP Standard Group of MIIT. His research is focusing on IoT Security and its international standardization, including WLAN, WMAN, RFID and NFC security. He is one of major authors of ISO/IEC 9798-3:1998/Amd1:2010 (the first international standard proposed by China in the field of fundamental and common technologies of information security) and UWB China national standard. He published more than 20 WLAN national industry standards and had 9 patents.

IW7: Cloud computing in the Internet of Things


Dr. Li Shang, VP, Intel Research Institute

Prof. Wenguang Chen, Qsinghua University


Prof. Xiaoyang Wang, Dean, School of Computer Science, Fudan Univeristy

Dr. DengKan, Founder and CEO of SmartClouder

Dr. Chang, Lei, Research Mgr with EMC Research China and Greenplum

Dr. Yu Feng, INRIA, France

Dr. Chen, Jidong, Eng Mgr, Renren

Dr. Wang, Dong, Senior Software Engineer, Google 

Room No.4         OCT.24  Wednesday              8:30-12:00


IW7-1:Clear up the Data Cloud (hopefully) for IoT

Prof. Xiaoyang Wang

IW7-2:The Controversy of Cloud Computing       ppt download here

Dr. DengKan

IW7-3:Delivering the predictive enterprise

Dr. Chang, Lei

10:00-10:30         Break


IW7-4:From Multi-Cores to Clouds, Challengers and Opportunities with ProActive Parallel Suite

Dr. Yu Feng

IW7-5:Big Data Analytics and Its Applications in Mobile Internet

Dr. Chen, Jidong

IW7-6:Delivering the predictive enterprise

Dr. Wang, Dong

 Title: Clear up the Data Cloud (hopefully) for IoT

Abstract: From one perspective, what's interesting about IoT is the ability to turn Thing into Data. What one can do with Data largely determines the success of IoT. The two aspects of computing technology, namely ease of use and efficiency, are still the key to supporting IoT applications. In this talk, I will venture into examining a number of characteristics of the data from the IoT, and discuss the concept of Data Cloud that is based on a number of data technologies, including those on the Cloud Computing platform, for the purpose of providing a supporting data layer for IoT.

Speaker: X. Sean Wang

X. Sean Wang is Professor and Dean at the School of Compute ScienceFudan University,ShanghaiChina.  He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern CaliforniaLos AngelesCalifornia, U.S.A, in 1992. Before joining Fudan University, in 2003-2011, he was the Dorothean Chair Professor in Computer Science at the University of Vermont (UVM), Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A, and between 2009-2011, he served for two years as a Program Director at the National Science Foundation, U.S.A, in the Division of Information and Intelligent Systems. Between 1992-2003, he went through the ranks of Assistant Professor to Associate Professor with tenure at George Mason University, Virginia, U.S.A. He has published widely in the general area of databases and information security, and was a recipient of the US National Science Foundation Research Initiation and CAREER awards. His research interests include database systems, information security, data mining, and sensor data processing. In the research community, he served as the general chair of ICDE 2011 held in Washington DC, and in other roles at international conferences and journals, including PC co-chair of MDM 2013, WISE 2012, PC member of past SIGMOD, CIKM, ICDE and many other conferences, current associate editor of Geoinformatica and WWW journal, and past associate editor of TKDE and KAIS.

Title: The Controversy of Cloud Computing

Speaker: Dr. DengKan

Abstract: Cloud computing has been a buzz word for several years. However, there are some controversies both in term of business and technology. In this talk we will enumerate and elaborate those disagreements, especially the significant ones, discussing their root causes and business impact, but focusing more on the comparison of the technical solution alternatives. Those significant disagreements include, 1. Is virtualization mandatory? 2. Should computation and storage be separated into different nodes? 3. Will the file system be obsolete when object storage becomes popular? 4. How far can No-SQL replace RDBMS? 5. Why not Google disclose its cloud scheduler, Borg?

Title: Delivering the predictive enterprise

Abstract: Various studies show that predictive enterprises can earn an incremental ROI of more than 200 percent by using Big Data capabilities to examine large and complex data sets. The predictive enterprise relies on three basic elements to achieve its goals: the platform, application development, and data science. This talk will mainly focus on the platform element. It will give an introduction about how latest Greenplum Big Data processing technologies and solutions including massive parallel processing database, in-database analytic techniques, and MapReduce related Hadoop software stack can help enterprises gain insights from their valuable datasets from different sources in different formats, and scale their infrastructure with increasing data storage and compute demands.

Speaker: Lei Chang

Advanced R&D Manager at EMC Greenplum

Dr. Lei Chang obtained his PhD degree in data warehousing and data mining from Peking University. In 2008, he joined EMC. His main research interests include parallel database, data analytics and cloud computing. In April 2011, he joined EMC Greenplum. Currently, he leads the Greenplum Advanced R&D China team and works on the research and development of Greenplum database and Greenplum Hadoop. He has published widely on data management and data mining in refereed journals and conferences, and holds several US patents.

Title: From Multi-Cores to Clouds, Challengers and Opportunities with ProActive Parallel Suite

Abstract: This presentation will give an overview of issues at hand when accelerating demanding applications with Multi-Cores, Clusters, Servers

and Clouds. With ProActive Parallel Suite, an Open Source library for parallel, distributed, and concurrent computing, allowing to showcase Interactive and graphical GUI and tools, it will detail how one can reduce administration costs and hardware expenditures by virtualizing the hardware resources: monitor and control all resources in a uniform manner, appropriately schedule the distribution of taskflows and applications execution over the available resources. Then, the presentation explains how to manage actual VMs in such an infrastructure, including operations such as Start, Stop, Clone, Destroy. Overall, it is shown how simple it is now to dynamically aggregate and manage many different kinds of enterprise resources (Desktop, Server, Cluster, VMs), and seamlessly upon demand, to extend them with Public Clouds (e.g. Amazon EC2).

Speaker: Ms. Yu Feng

Dr. Yu Feng is working as project-coordinator and engineer expert in INRIA. With background in Engineering and Mathematics, she holds a Ph.D in Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland in 1997. She has been very active in both industry and academic after Ph.D studies. Commercially, Dr. Feng has extensive experience in international product development with a number of multi-national corporations in Europe, i.e. Microsoft, Novell, Canon, Amadeus; her roles in this sphere extend from software development through to project management. She has joined the Oasis team of Inria Sophia since Oct 2006, and has been working on several FP6/FP7, ANR-NSFC and Stic-Asia joint projects, related to Parallel Computing, Distributed system, Grid/Cloud Computing and Applications.

Title: Big Data Analytics and Its Applications in Mobile Internet

Abstract: These days, big data analytics has become a viable, cost effective way to store and analyze large volumes of data across many industries (e.g., Internet, Retail, Financial, Healthcare, Transportation, Energy). The explosive increase of smart phones and mobile apps has also brought large amounts of data and huge requirements of big data analytics in mobile Internet. In this talk, I will give an introduction of big data analytics, key technology and tools, and some use cases in mobile Internet, in particular, mobile advertisement and games.

Speaker: Dr. Jidong Chen, Chief Data Scientist at Renren Games

Dr. Jidong Chen is chief data scientist of the big data research center, RenRen Games. Currently he is responsible for research of the data infrastructure and data analytics of games and mobile advertisement business in Renren. Before joining Renren, he was a research manager of Big Data Lab at EMC Labs China. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Renmin University of China. He focuses on big data management and analytics and his research interests include user behavior analytics, distributed data management, personal and mobile information management. He has published over 20 papers in refereed international journals and conference proceedings including Geoinformatica, JCST, SIGMOD, SIGIR, VLDB, SIGIR, CIKM, SDM, MDM etc. He co-authored the monograph "Moving Objects Management: Models, Techniques, and Applications" published by Springer and Tsinghua Press

Important Dates
Paper submission due:
May 22, 2012
Workshop proposals due:
June 1, 2012
Notification of acceptance:
July 1, 2012
IoT Challenge Competition, submission due:
September 1, 2012
Posters and demos, submission due:
September 1, 2012


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